In this paper we investigate whether the price of gold is affected by internal and external macroeconomic performance, which is reflected in exchange rate movements
Focusing on the dominant role of Germany as the leading economy in the EMU, we test the progress of markets integration between Germany and selected EMU countries. For comparison reasons, we examine the same research question between Germany and selected non-EMU countries.
The paper introduces public education financed by linear taxation into a standard model of persistent inequality. It obtains the straightforward conclusion that agents with income above the average will prefer a positive tax rate.
The purpose of this paper is to present the disadvantages from the use of NAIRU as the key instrument of monetary-policy making to restrain the upward tendency of unemployment.
We employ a linear unit root test as well as a nonlinear two-regime Threshold Autoregressive (TAR) unit root test to determine whether inflation differentials in the Eurozone during the period 1970-2009 were persistent or transitory.
We allow for monetary, real, and financial variables to assess the relevant importance of each of the variables to exchange rate volatility in the case of selected EMU members and candidate countries.
In this paper, we examine the effects of data collection frequency on the computation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
The aim of the paper is to determine the state of IT within the Romanian organizations and its impact for the Romanian economy.
This paper claims that technical progress induces early retirement of older workers. Technical progress erodes technology specific human capital. Since older workers have shorter career horizons, there is less incentive for them or for their employers to invest in learning how to use the new technologies. Consequently, they are more likely to stop working.
This paper extends a well-known macroeconomic stabilization game between monetary and fiscal authorities introduced by Dixit and Lambertini (American Economic Review, 93: 1522-1542) to multiplicative (policy) uncertainty.
We investigate the effect of fiscal policy on equilibrium determinacy in a New Keynesian economy with rule-of-thumb (liquidity constrained) consumers and capital accumulation by focusing on the inter-action between monetary policy and taxation under the assumption of balanced budget.
In this short paper a Gamma distributed lags model is used to study the diachronic responses between the actual data and the forecasts supplied by OECD the last 27 years for the case of the Greek Economy.
This paper extends the standard New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model to agents who cannot smooth consumption (i.e. spenders) and are affected by external consumption habits.
The purpose of the paper is twofold. Firstly, we test the validity of the PPP hypothesis for selected CEEC (Czech Republic; Hungary; Poland and Slovak Republic). Secondly, we attempt to define those countries' trade linkages between Euro Area; US and the rest of the world.
This paper examines the validity of the purchasing power parity between each of the twelve new EU countries vis-à-vis the Eurozone.
In this study, we attempt to examine the possibility of emergence of significant fluctuations of the exchange rates in the future for the candidate EMU countries.
This paper sheds light on the importance of the validity of PPP hypothesis for the accessing process of the candidate countries towards EMU.
This paper suggests an alternative way for estimating the gravity equation that takes into consideration country-pair heterogeneity in bilateral trade flows.
The main objective of this paper is to enrich our knowledge on the true effect of real money balances on the production process.
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