The Bayh Dole Act has opened the way to the entrepreneurial university. However, considering that entrepreneurial universities are still concentrated around the US and Western Europe, this paper offers qualitative evidence as to transaction costs that may limit the global appeal of such institutions
The paper introduces public education financed by linear taxation into a standard model of persistent inequality. It obtains the straightforward conclusion that agents with income above the average will prefer a positive tax rate.
The purpose of this paper is to present the disadvantages from the use of NAIRU as the key instrument of monetary-policy making to restrain the upward tendency of unemployment.
The paper investigates unemployment dynamics in six European countries with a particular focus on the gender dimension.
Distinguishing between healthy and heath-impaired employees who have or do not have work limitations, the unobserved productivity effect of health is separated from discrimination.
The structure of farming activity under the provisions of the generalized regime of the Common Agricultural Policy involving both the first and second pillar elements is modeled.
The paper discusses the design of optimal regulatory policies under an alternative analytical framework of unbounded and bounded rationality, by considering the mechanism that provides the type of the optimal CAP instruments that ensure the collective attainment of a social environmental target, along with the type of interdependence characterizing them
We investigate the effect of fiscal policy on equilibrium determinacy in a New Keynesian economy with rule-of-thumb (liquidity constrained) consumers and capital accumulation by focusing on the inter-action between monetary policy and taxation under the assumption of balanced budget.
This paper extends the standard New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model to agents who cannot smooth consumption (i.e. spenders) and are affected by external consumption habits.
This paper studies firms owners' incentives to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in an oligopolistic market, in a strategic delegation and vertical product differentiation context.
This paper attempts to provide an empirical evaluation of the potential relationship between sectoral linkages and technical efficiency using the 1996 US input-output tables.
This article attempts to integrate the production- and the efficiency-based approaches for evaluating the impact of extension on farms' performance.
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