A Consolidation of the Macroeconomic Neoclassical General Equilibrium Theory via Keynesianism

A Consolidation of the Macroeconomic Neoclassical General Equilibrium Theory via Keynesianism

Wednesday, 27 September 2023, 15:00-16:15

Room: Zoom

Presenter: Angelopoulos Angelos , University of Manchester

The unique existence of a Keynes (1936) [- Harrod (1939) - Domar (1946)] - Sollow (1956) - Swan (1956) - Phelps (1961) dynamic Walrasian or (perfectly) competitive general equilibrium is proven. The same is afterwards accomplished (in an atypical way) for the Ramsey (1928) - Cass (1965) - Koopmans (1965) case. It is finally shown that when the first one of the previous two general equilibrium notions collapses to its Keynesian (1936) general equilibrium illustration, the two general equilibrium concepts coincide.

Zoom Link: https://uoc-gr.zoom.us/j/97374751400?pwd=UjZ4cUVaSXZ2bnZUT1BNSVhySFlDQT09

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