How the voting system changes elections

How the voting system changes elections

Wednesday, 05 February 2025, 15:00-16:15

Room: Zoom

Presenter: Kiener Patrice, InModelia

Following the European elections of 9 June 2024, President Macron decided to dissolve the French national assembly and called for new elections which took place on 30 June 2024 for the first round and on 7 July 2024 for the second round. It is reasonable to assume that voters have not changed their minds in 3 weeks. Except that the voting system for the European Parliament and the French parliament are very different and completely change the way of voting of French voters and the results.

Election data are compositional data. We will present results using correspondence analysis, CLR (Centered Log-Ratios) and the alpha-transformation of Michail Tsagris. The differences between the two elections are substantial.

« We do not hold elections to lose them. » ... An African dignitary

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