

Ambiguity and Strategic Interactions in Global Pollution Problems
How Mortality Salience Hurts Consumer Preferences for Brands with Different Personalities
Essays on the efficiency of electricity markets. The impact of power exchanges
What makes Chinese open-end fund managers stay put
The Iterated Best Response Model of game theoretic pragmatics
Between Geography of Innovation and Sustainability Transitions: Mind the gap!
Communication and the emergence of a unidimensional world
Nonlinear Network Autoregressive Models
Common Ownership in Product Markets: The Role of Supply Chains
Common Ownership in Fintech Markets
Overlapping Ownership and Product Innovation
Auctions with a multi-member bidder
Free entry in a Cournot market with overlapping ownership
Artificial Intelligence on the Rise - A Mission for Experimental Economists?
Identity and Corruption: A Laboratory Experiment
 Accounting for technology heterogeneity in the dynamic stochastic frontier model
Can Wealth Buy Health? A Model of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Investments in Health
Model based clustering of multinomial count data
Self-enforcing climate coalitions for farsighted countries: integrated analysis of heterogeneous countries
The difference between the weak core and the strong core from the design point of view
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